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Slap Haddock are available to run a variety of workshops from theatre making, playwrighting, storytelling, street theatre, clowning, circus, craft and design workshops. 


We work with all ages and abilities, with experience of working in many community contexts. The approach to every workshop is the same. Make the participant feel comfortable and safe, and inspire them to think outside the box and challenge themselves.


Creativity can be one of the most untapped gifts we have and we want to explore this with you!


We have a range of skilled, professional practitioners that we work with, so get in touch if there's something you'd like to explore with us here.

Previous Workshops


Soho Young Theatre Makers

From 2014-2018 we've been working with Soho Theatre running their Young Theatre Makers course in Walthamstow & Leytonstone, developing workshops on how to make a Slap Haddock style show!


This involved street theatre, devising for non traditional spaces, storytelling and interactive performance. Our 10 week course for 11-16 year olds, culminated in a final sharing. Previous shows have been held at the Walthamstow School for Girls, Connaught School for Girls, Vestry House and the Walthamstow Garden Party!


These workshops were open to all young people, no matter what experience they had or didn't have. Everyone was welcome! We always want to meet young people from Waltham Forest who are passionate about theatre and have stories to tell.


A lot of these young artists have stayed with us term after term, and being able to see their development as theatre makers over the years has been an absolute joy and privilege. From their sheer energy and passion, to the stories and performances they create. The ability to see their confidence and creativity grow over the years has given us the most sense of pride and excitement for the future theatre makers of Waltham Forest that we are eternally grateful to be a part of.


"It wasn't until you guys came along and gave her a chance that she has begun to know her worth and realise that she's talented, funny, confident, capable and that she is just as good as anyone else. So, thank you all from the bottom of my heart." Parent Feedback 




Poet For Hire & Peace of Paper

Commissioned by the City Of London we ran a week of free, public workshops as part of the #CultureMile 2017 in West Smithfield Rotunda Garden. London.


Our award winning poet Rachel Salisbury provided bespoke short poems filled with joy and silliness each lunchtime of Joy and Peace Week. Lead by our craft expert Emily Harwood, you also had the opportunity to transform your joyful poem into a beautiful origami winkle or peace crane to take away.


'The Winkle' was the Victorian nickname for the Garden, due to the shape of the ramp surrounding it, where market horses used to

bring up the meat deliveries from below.




Half 'n' Half 


Half ‘n’ Half is a new musical which celebrates the unique fusion of Anglo/Asian culture that can be found in the curry houses on every high street in Britain.


In a series of workshops, we traded stories with young people from Butetown and Grangetown. Workshops took place at the Riverside Warehouse, the Butetown Pavilion, and Channel View Leisure Centre culinating in a final sharing at Wales Millenium Centre's Glanfa Stage.


Together we explored how food, love, memories and our imaginations intertwine. The young people were asked to share their stories of family, food and migration, through a series of workshops that included games, collectively creating stories, making soundscapes, physical theatre, and more.

theatre, fun & silliness packed in tightly

(because any fin is possible)

© 2018 by Slap Haddock. All rights reserved.

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